Meet the harsh handful! (plus George, Seth, and Oscar- the softies of the bunch).
Spencer, Emily, Megan (not pictured), and I all went to high school together where we coined our crew name. I can't recall the actual reason why we were "harsh," but I think it was because we may have been a bit fringey, opinionated, and stoned. Now we're all grown up and still fringey, opinionated, and sometimes stoned. Spencer works as a marketing manager for [redacted], Megan works as a Creative Producer, and Emily is a Fine Artist and works out a lot! She practices hot yoga. Enter the sweeties: Seth also works as the marketing director for [redacted], George (not pictured) who works in Set Design + Production, and Oscar who doesn't work he's just a boy dog. Since I needed to shoot content, and Megan + George happen to be starting a prop stying and production, and since my friends from high school and their partner/dogs happen to be very cute, sweet, and hot. We all met up in our hometown - the San Fernando Valley - to eat Armenia Deli, dress up in our b.a.g. clothes, be so g-d damn sexy, and laugh a lot ! Highly suggest "working" with your friends!! See what comes from it below and shop the lewks of course:

b.a.g: What’s your process for getting dressed everyday?
Emily: After a sniff check, I try to select pieces from the pile on my couch that will make me feel confident.
b.a.g: What’s your process for getting dressed everyday?
George: Find clean underwear and a clean t-shirt.
I'll probably wear the same pants as yesterday.

b.a.g: What do you look for in a garment before making your purchase?
Spencer: Before I buy I look for the three C's: Cost, Comfort, Chicness
b.a.g: What do you feel the most cute sweet sexy beautiful “your self” wearing ?
Seth: My bathrobe.

b.a.g: Who/ what are your biggest style inspirations ?
Seth: The Redwoods.
b.a.g: Who/ what are your biggest style inspirations ?
Emily: Comedian Richard Lewis

b.a.g: Who/ what are your biggest style inspirations ?
George: Happy Gilmore and Bill Belichick. I feel most comfortable in a good hoody.
b.a.g: What do you look for in a garment before making your purchase?
Seth: Utility and material quality.

b.a.g: What do you look for in a garment before making your purchase?
Megan: Quality first and foremost. I practice a rule of 10 when I'm buying something. If I think I'll wear it at least 10 times, I'll buy it.
b.a.g: What does sustainability mean to you?
George: I love thrifting and sourcing from brands who don't use slave labor. I try to shop locally and will spend the extra money for the mom and pop shop over the convenience of a mega brand. This is all encompassing, lending its way to groceries and services.

b.a.g: What does sustainability mean to you?
Megan: Sustainability to me is upcycling, recycling and repurposing. I work in fashion and see a lot of clothing waste so I try to do my part to find purpose for the surplus. I try to avoid shopping fast fashion and focus on shopping at estate sales and from artisan apparel e-commerce.
b.a.g: What does sustainability mean to you?
Seth: Making the most of what I already have.

b.a.g: What does sustainability mean to you?
Emily: Living with intent; making decisions not based just on my own comfort but that of the larger community as a whole.
Art Direction and Photography by: George Deacon @deacongeorge
Models: Seth, Spencer, and Emily Bayer @emilybayerart
Production: Megan Miller @megmilll